One Month Down

Today marks my first month in Denmark. I still can’t believe that any of this is real. The time here is going so fast already, I don’t even want to think about how fast the rest of the year will go. These past few weeks I have had the chance to see some pretty amazing things and I have got to meet lots of new people.

All the exchange Students at Intro Camp

Two weeks ago, I attended a language camp with all 166 other exchange students in Denmark. We spent the days with language classes, eating cake (if you were lucky enough to get a piece before everyone ate it), and enjoying the different activities they had set up for us. On thursday they took us into the city of Aarhus and we got to go into the museum of Aros. The museum was beautiful along with the rest of the city. Every time I go somewhere new in Denmark I fall in love a little more with this beautiful country. It was so great to see all the exchange students together. I met so many amazing people at camp and I am so blessed to have my international friends.

Last week I started school. School is pretty different here. They get a lot of breaks and they have nicer chairs to sit in. Everyone in my class is really great and I know I will have a great time with them this year. The hardest part of school is not knowing whats going on for about 95% of the time. Its definitely something you have to get used too. I know things will get easier over time and getting into a routine will help.

Waiting to see the Queen of Denmark

This past weekend I went to a camp for all the exchange students in my district. It was nice to see some familiar faces and meet up again with my friends from camp. We hiked to the top of Himmelbjerget (one of the highest natural points in the Danish landscape) and spent time walking around. We were supposed to canoe there but the weather was to bad. When we got back we got to relax and hang out a bit (I took a nap) and then we played some games. The one game I did not like was when everyone decided to have a food fight. I did not enjoy getting Flødeboller (marshmallow covered in chocolate on top of a cookie) smashed in my hair. I didn’t just get one smashed in my hair but two of them. Overall I had a great time at camp and I can’t wait to see everyone soon at our district conference.

Last day of 1450 weekend get together

My first month in Denmark was a success and I cant wait to see what the next months will bring. This past month really was a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings and I still have no idea what I’m doing and I don’t think I ever really will, but thats okay. I know this exchange will be worth it and I can’t think of anything else I would want to be doing right now.

USA Exchange Students in District 1450
Just your typical American picture
One Month Down

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